Thursday, June 2, 2011


These were an absolute breeze to make, and what a result. Little cream filled, chocolate dipped pastry gems of joy!

Once the oven was set to bake at 200 C...
I simply sieved some flour, a pinch of salt and just enough sugar onto a sheet of baking paper. Melted a fair amount of butter in a saucepan with some boiling water. Tipped the flour mix into the boiling butter and water then whisked it all together with great haste until it formed into a rough ball and pulled away from the sides of the saucepan.  Off the heat, I then added eggs for a thick and glossy texture and piped onto a baking tray covered with non-stick paper. Popped them in the oven for 20 minutes, just enough time for them to puff up proudly! As soon as you take them out of the oven, make sure to pierce the bottoms of them to release the steam trapped inside.. no one likes a soggy profiterole.

The ingredients...

150g plain flour
1 tsp sugar
1tsp salt
100g unsalted butter
250ml cold water
4 eggs (beaten)

To serve, I piped whipped cream through the hole I had made in the bottom and the dipped them in a hot, chocolate ganache (100g dark chocolate, a couple shakes of icing sugar and 100ml cream set over a medium heat in a saucepan... last night my ganache split and began to look oily, but a dash of cold whole milk and a quick whisk brought it back to life).

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