Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chocolate & Orange Tart

Inspired by the genius that is Willie Harcourt-Cooze (aka. Willies Wonky). After watching his Christmas special the other night, drooling just a little as he sprinkled, poured and stuffed his 100% cacao into everything he made, I just had to make this chocolate tart. Willie had roughly explained how to make it, but I sourced the amounts for the ingredients from elsewhere. Result: a decadent, rich, orange infused, velvety textured tart. The smallest portion tips you over the edge so it's definatly one to share around.

Sweet Short Pastry

250g flour
Pinch of salt
125g icing sugar
125g butter, cold and cubed
zest of one orange
2 eggs beaten
1 tbsp ice cold water

Chocolate filling

300ml cream
4 tbsp brown sugar
2 eggs
400g dark chocolate (grated or broken into small pieces)

Sieve the flour and icing into a large bowl then rub in the butter until the mixture goes crumbly. Now add your zest, eggs and water. Add more cold water if necessary to bring the dough together. Gently work it into a ball. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface, flatten and cover in clingfilm. It's important not to over work the pastry or else the butter will melt from the heat of your hands, leaving you with chewy pastry. Put in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Pre-heat oven to 190 C. Grease tart tin and blind bake pastry for 15 minutes, then bake for a further 6 - 8 minutes. Trim any pastry hanging off the sides of the tray. Turn oven down to 150 C.

For the filling, bring the cream to the boil whisk in the sugar and eggs. Then add your chocolate. Pour into the pastry case and bake for 35 - 40 mins. It's ready to be taken out when the center still wobbles a bit but the outside stays still. Once cooled down, pop it in the fridge until needed.

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