Welcome to Rise & Shine!

My name is Eloise and this blog is a rough documentation of my efforts in the kitchen. I am hoping that one day, something may come of it. I bake something at least once a week, but my bad habit of procrastinating often lets my blog down!  
I thought putting this poster in shining lights up on our wall, may trigger some action…

Poster courtesy of my boyfriend Andrew. He just so happens to be a very talented graphic designer. As well as my blogs logo, he's also done a bit of this... http://playhausproject.blogspot.com/

I firmly believe that anyone can bake. It's a science based on ingredients, working together and (hopefully) creating something exquisite. Just follow a recipe, cross your fingers and hope for the best. If it's a flop, bin it… no one needs to know! Many times I have felt tears welling up in my eyes, because my pavlova collapsed, or my muffins tasted like plastic. But the more I bake, the more knowledge I gain and the better I get to know the strange ways in which my oven works, my success list seems to flourish!

So please, find something you like the look of, have a go and if it all works out - share with those you love.


Get in touch...

Send me an email at ellevanwynbergen@gmail.com if you have any questions, requests, or suggestions.