Monday, June 6, 2011

Banana + toffee =

The ingredients...

400g Digestive biscuits
100g butter (melted)

Pie filling
400g condensed milk
2 or 3 bananas, depending on size
double cream 
dark chocolate to decorate

The method is simple...
Crush your digestive biscuits thoroughly and save 1 or 2 for tea dunking later. Stir in the melted butter and compress into a spring-form cake tin (a loose based tart tin will also work, but the cake tin was great for the extra volume!) Put this in the fridge to chill while you sort out the filling. 
Put the unopened can of condensed milk into a large saucepan and fill up with boiling water, ensuring the can is entirely covered. Pop a lid on it and leave to boil for 2 hours, but do keep an eye on the water level.

2 hours later! .....Once your can has cooled completely on its own, open and pour the caramel onto your biscuit base. Slice the bananas and place on top of the pie, finish off with whipped cream and a sprinkling of dark chocolate. 

You can of course do a couple of tins of condensed milk at once, it will keep for months if left unopened and in a cool spot. 

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