Monday, November 7, 2011

Fresh from the fridge...

Chocolate Peppermint Slice
No baking required

Since leaving home, I found I must bake to adapt. Alot of my favourite things are no longer readily available to me, like mums incredible pav's, or Arnott's Chocolate Mint Slice's, so as a result I was forced to make my own or go without. The latter is never really an option, especially when it's this ridiculously easy to recreate!

The ingredients...

250g digestive biscuits
(fact.. the first digestive biscuits were devised in Edinburgh by McVities & Price!)
125g butter
2 tbsp cocoa
3 tbsp golden syrup

3 cups icing sugar
a few drops of peppermint essence
30g butter
2 tbsp boiling water

200g dark chocolate
20g butter

Firstly, crush the digestive biscuits using whatever method you find works best. I prefer to leave it a little chunky, makes the base more interesting. Melt the butter and syrup, mix together with biscuits and cocoa and press into a lined baking tray (with relatively deep sides). Put this in the fridge while you get to work on the filling.
Soften your butter and stir into the icing sugar, along with peppermint essence and boiling water. Add more of any ingredient as you see fit. If you've added to much essence (I usually do), just add more icing sugar.
Spread this onto the base and give it some more time in the fridge.
Melt together the chocolate and butter and when the filling is set, pour the final layer on.
Let it set and slice.

Thankyou Arnotts for the inspiration!

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